Scultura/Installazione sonora e visiva
pietra ollare, legno, ghiaccio, sensori, laser e LED
Una mano di ghiaccio è appesa a dita in giù. Cadono gocce che colpiscono il centro di un fiore fatto di lunghi petali di pietra sonora. Ogni petalo poggia in equilibrio così delicato da lasciarsi oscillare: la pietra è libera di emettere un lieve suono che verrà finemente amplificato. Ogni goccia ha un suono diverso. Un potente laser è puntato sulla mano, illuminandola di blu elettrico. La mano riverbera una serie di immagini che si proiettano nell’ambiente. Il lento fluire del ghiaccio che si scioglie sulla mano ne risulta così amplificato.
Diverse gocce cadranno a generare un melodia casuale che con il passare del tempo sarà sempre più serrata. Sciogliendosi, la mano si corrompe fino ad apparire informe. La melodia ne risulterà mutata e sarà il momento di sostituire la mano.
Rocca Paolina, Perugia Greendays maggio 2012 e Haein Art Project – tempio di Haeinsa. Corea del Sud, Autunno 2013
Haein Art Project
When invited at Haensa Temple I decided to take IDROFONI & Artificiale-Naturale, by man’s hand. Two different works, because I could’nt decide which one was the best for the site, before having seen it . Not only by the point of view of locations & dimensions, but mostly from the feelings you can have by staying there. Feelings that are coming to me from the physical space of the architecture, but much more from the soundscape, that expresses the spirituality. In the temple, the beautiful silence, with the voice of forest animals in background. A silence interrupted at precise hours by singing and praying, or by the energy of the big drum, followed by long & deep giant bell. Artificiale Naturale, by man’ hand, everybody says it’ my ZEN work. I can’t say I know seriously what it means and I don’ t demand to present it as ZEN work in this ancient monastery. I can only say that, when I install Artificiale- Naturale, I always live a meditative experience, in my way. I could see in other occasions that -when the work is done and every detail is tuned- this meditation is transferred to the public.
At his very first performance, in Perugia’s Rocca Paolina, this work had been visited by hundreds of chinese students. It was always observed silence and listening. The first approach creates wonder and curiosity, then meditation. Sometimes it stimulated many questions. Question about technical terms, devices, but many about the meaning. Solid water, stone petals connected to electronic hears, laser light are the main elements finally tuned to offer a multi-sensorial experience to the visitor. All this creates sound and light in soft and slow transformation. I don’t fell like it’s necessary to give a meaning to this work, and express it in words. Any one can give his own interpretation, if he wants. I don’t wish to suggest mine, if I have one, even If there are some elements that have their symbolic evidence. Solid water is a melting hand of ice dropping on a stone flower. Through artifice and tecnology this is transformed, aiming for an harmonious multisensorial synphony. “by man’s hand” nature could be offenced and natural environment corrupted.
My best satisfaction? appreciation of the monks and people asking me to pray close to Artificiale Naturale.